Make a Bootable USB Pendrive for Windows 8 Without Using any Software

Most notebooks and Net books don’t have CD/DVD drive to make them more and more compact. So to install windows you need to use a USB Pendrive.


1. Must have a Windows 8 ISO file. You can download it or you can create it with a Windows 8 DVD.

2. A USB Stick of 4GB or larger (All data will be lost on the drive).

Now follow these steps:

Plug the USB Pen-drive in your computer. Open The command prompt and type the following commands:

list disk
select disk 1 ( disk one being the USB drive )
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs ( you can also format in fat32 or fat or add quick for a quick format )

Now extract the windows 8 ISO file on the pen drive/USB stick and you are done.

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